Midland Trust

Midland Trust is a leading custodial services provider in the United States focused on self-directed IRA accounts, 1031 exchanges, checkbook IRAs, 401(k)s, and private fund custody services.  Midland has been assisting Live and Invest Overseas readers and investors for years who wish to utilize funds within an IRA account for investments both in the US and abroad. 

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Midland Real Estate Guide

Self-Directed IRA Guide

Single Member LLCs for Investors

Daniel Hanlon

Senior Vice President, Midland Trust

Dan Hanlon is an expert in self-directed IRAs, and for over 10 years, he has assisted investors with using their retirement funds to invest into a wide array of investments both in the US and abroad. With a self-directed IRA, the investor has full control over their investment direction without being limited to the stock market or bank products. Real Estate, precious metals, commodities, and private placements are all common within a self-directed IRA. 

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